Graph Data Managment
Quipu leverages not only your data but the relationships between them by storing them in a highly scalable native graph database. It will simplify the development cycle by whiteboard friendly data modeling to make changes on the fly according to business requirements.
Unleash the power of Graph Algorithms to fuel your predictions and provide unsupervised machine learning methods and heuristics.
Text Mining & NLP
Quipu provides the organization with cutting-edge text mining tools & Natural Language Processing methods which include Entity Extraction, Disambiguation & Mapping.
Semantic Enrichment helps mining hidden knowledge from unstructured data and discover qualified & usable data for the organization.
Enterprise Knowledge Graph
Quipu helps you build, standardize, and manage Enterprise Knowledge Graphs. Knowledge Graph is a means to connect and represent knowledge in an area of interest using a graph-like structure enabling machines to incorporate human expertise for making meaningful & insightful decisions by bringing context to AI applications.

Enterprise Knowledge Graph
Quipu helps you build, standardize, and manage Enterprise Knowledge Graphs. Knowledge Graph is a means to connect and represent knowledge in an area of interest using a graph-like structure enabling machines to incorporate human expertise for making meaningful & insightful decisions by bringing context to AI applications.

Quipu helps you build a personalized knowledge base to understand the specific language and terminology of your industry or business.

Quipu help Subject Matter Experts personalize business-specific ontologies and custom schemes by incrementally building on top of existing domain-specific ontologies such as FOAF, FIBO, schema.org and CHEBI, among others for your Enterprise data.

Build your inference engine with Quipu from a selection of various rule-based reasoners to infer implicit knowledge based on the specified ontology. For tasks that require explicit reasoning using knowledge about the problem domain, Quipu helps build a semantic reasoner to dynamically combine knowledge to answer questions with high fidelity and transparency into the conclusion reached.
Text Mining & NLP
Quipu provides the organization with cutting-edge text mining tools & Natural Language Processing methods which include Entity Extraction, Disambiguation & Mapping.
Semantic Enrichment helps mining hidden knowledge from unstructured data and discover qualified & usable data for the organization.

Quipu locates and classifies named entities featured in unstructured data into pre-defined domain-specific categories with industry benchmarked efficiency.

With the help of a personalized knowledge base, Quipu boosts your NED in the domain of your interest propelling recommendations and semantic search.

Quipu exploits your metadata to enhance the utility, discovery, and interoperability of your data by enriching the content & context.
Graph Data Managment
Quipu leverages not only your data but the relationships between them by storing them in a highly scalable native graph database. It will simplify the development cycle by whiteboard friendly data modeling to make changes on the fly according to business requirements.
Unleash the power of Graph Algorithms to fuel your predictions and provide unsupervised machine learning methods and heuristics.

Migrating your data from traditional data sources with ease and flexibility into Enterprise Knowledge Graphs with the defined custom ontology.

Quipu dynamically validates your data using a W3C standard data modeling known as SHACL and enhancing the quality and consistency of your data.

Make the most out of your Enterprise Knowledge Graph by exploring network-centric features to enhance the feature engineering for your ML models and discover non-trivial information.